Regional positioning, Positioning locally on Google maps

What is the fastest way to appear in the search engine results? The answer to this question is simple - start with regional positioning.
Local positioning is a method that puts the main emphasis on the appearance of your website in Google results for a given region, most often it is the city where your company is located and operates.
To learn more about the topic of regional positioning - lets take a look at the search engine and check what elements it consists of.

Your page in the Google search engine, search engine results (SERP)
google header

Search field for information, services and businesses on Google.

We can also search on maps, graphics, messages, etc.

The greater the number of results, the more difficult seo positioning to complete.

Google advertisingGoogle advertising

Advertising on Google, Google Ads.

Sponsored links campaign, the company pays for each click on the ad.

Due to the easy profit, there are many companies on the market that offer this type of positioning.

Typically 2-4 ads will appear at this point.
With no fees, your company disappears from this place and you are left with nothing.

Google map

Google map results, map entry

Usually, 3 pins with locations of companies nearby, or companies with the highest reputation, appear here.

Your company name also appears next to the pin.
Below the map you will find more detailed information about these companies.

If you want your company to be in this place Contact us and ask about regional positioning!

result from google mapsresult from google mapsmore google

Company listing on Google, company data

Your business may appear in map search results.

Thanks to positive opinions, you build the companys reputation, while increasing interest in your services and products.

From there, you can also go directly to your website or plan a route.

The entry on the maps has many more possibilities, such as adding photos, products, services, as well as statistics and a simple website.

By clicking the "View all" button, we go to the search for companies and services on the map in the region.

website resultswebsite results

Website search results, organic results.

Here are the natural search results in a web browser in the form of free web links.

Natural results are not the result of paid advertising or affiliation to sponsored link programs.

If your page does not appear in these results on the first or second page, you may consider that it does not appear at all.

Striving for your website to appear in this place is called SEO.

This is the most difficult positioning to perform and few companies offer positioning services in the regular website results.

If you want your company to be in this place Find out more about SEO activities

Google paging

The next pages of results, lets face it - nobody looks further than the 3rd page of results in the search engine.

That is why it is so important that your website is in the first 10-20 results. And preferably in the first place!

Google footer

The location deserves special attention here. Google is always trying to determine where you are looking from? from what city, region.

Thanks to this, it can display more personalized results, both in ads, maps and in natural results.

We offer every type of positioning - and what follows?
Your business and website may be placed on page 1 of Google search engine results even in 1,2,3 PLACES at once!!!
We look forward to working with you!

Contact and ask about local positioning : Go to contact details